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Department of Justice  DOJ seal

Prevent and Disrupt Transnational Elder Fraud

Placeholder Headshot Goal Leader: Antoinette Bacon, Associate Deputy Attorney General, Office of the Deputy Attorney General

Goal Statement: Reduce the impact of transnational fraud schemes on older Americans. Through increased disruption and coordination among government and private stakeholders, and outreach to older Americans, the Department of Justice and its law enforcement partners will reduce the devastating effects of transnational elder fraud schemes. By September 30, 2021, 90% of the U.S. Attorney’s Offices (USAOs) will file an elder fraud case or take other action to disrupt elder fraud and 100% of the USAOs will conduct elder fraud outreach. The Department will conduct at least 375 elder fraud-related outreach events for state and/or local government officials (including law enforcement and/or protective and social services); 275 elder fraud-related outreach events with senior citizens and/or organizations representing seniors; and over 155 elder fraud-related outreach events with industry groups and/or representatives.

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