Going forward, the critical work of this Cross Agency Priority (CAP) Goal will be folded into the IT Modernization; Data, Accountability, and Transparency; and Category Management CAP Goals.
Improving Outcomes Through Federal IT Spending Transparency
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Goal Leader:
David Shive
Chief Information Officer, General Services Administration

Goal Leader:
Gerard Badorrek
Chief Financial Officer, General Services Administration

Goal Leader:
Jason Gray
Chief Information Officer, Department of Education

Goal Leader:
Denise Carter
Acting Assistant Secretary for Finance and Operations, Department of Education

Goal Leader:
Tim Soltis
Deputy Controller, Office of Management and Budget

Goal Leader:
Maria Roat
Deputy Federal Chief Information Officer, Office of Management and Budget
Download the latest Action Plan and Progress Update
❝Improving IT spend transparency is critical to improving business end-to-end, from the idea to the acquisition to what we actually deliver.❞
Adopt Technology Business Management (TBM) government-wide by FY 2022. This approach will improve IT spending data accountability and transparency, empowering agency executive-suite leadership from across the enterprise to drive innovation, business transformation and mission value.
The Federal Government spends at least $90 billion annually on IT, and Federal executives have long known they could better manage that spending with increased visibility and more accurate data. Congress and taxpayers have pressed for better information about how Federal IT dollars are spent and the return on that investment. The FY 2018 President’s Budget reported 84% of the total Federal IT budget categorized as “other,” as opposed to being clearly tied to a specific IT category of spend. This lack of granularity makes it difficult to baseline Federal investments and show the public whether Government is spending taxpayer dollars effectively in order to drive the large scale change needed to improve business transformation and citizen services. In the spring of 2017, Office of Management and Budget guidance called on agencies to begin adopting elements of the Technology Business Management framework - an open source standard for IT costs. This will provide more granularity in IT spend based upon a taxonomy broadly accepted across both private and public sector organizations.
The Technology Business Management (TBM) Framework will enable the Federal Government to: run IT like a business; drive innovation and business transformation; improve services to citizens; add cost transparency; and increase accountability to taxpayers.
January 07, 2021
January 2021 Updates Show Progress on Cross-Agency Priority and Agency Priority Goals
Today, we published progress updates for both Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals and Agency Priority Goals (APGs) for the final quarter of FY2020. These updates highlight recent milestones and accomplishments as well as related initiatives that support progress towards a more modern and effective government.
September 17, 2020