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Department of Homeland Security  agency seal

Agency Plans and Reports


With Honor and Integrity, we will safeguard the American People, our homeland, and our values.


The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) mission is to safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values with honor and integrity. Threats to our safety and security are constantly evolving, and require continuous risk assessments and adaptive strategies to effectively address them. The men and women at DHS demonstrate agility and dedication to our mission by protecting our Nation from threats by land, sea, air, and cyber. Known terrorist entities, criminals, homegrown terrorists, cyber-terrorists, smugglers, transnational criminal organizations, failed state, and unpredictable “lone offenders” constitute present and future threats to our way of life every day and emphasize the importance of DHS’s mission.

DHS’s wide-ranging, around the clock operations serve to strengthen our Nation’s security and resilience and promote our Nation’s economic prosperity, DHS will use all means available to it, including its highly-trained workforce, physical barriers, improved infrastructure, state-of-the art surveillance techniques and equipment, cybersecurity, biometric identification systems, improved technology, and top-notch intelligence to meet the changing threats to our Nation. We will leverage information sharing and personnel, as well as technological, operations, and policy-making elements to detect, deter, and disrupt terrorism and other threats.

To access additional agency performance documents visit the agency’s website.