NEW: 2020 Winners Announced!
The agency and council Gears of Government Awards winners are announced!
View the winners
Gears of Government Awards
Federal employees play a pivotal role in achieving a modern, effective government.
The Gears of Government Awards recognize individuals and teams across the Federal workforce whose dedication supports exceptional delivery of key outcomes for the American people, specifically:
Mission Results

Customer Service

Accountable Stewardship
Hear from the 2019 Winners
Agency Winners
WHIP Implementation Team, Department of Agriculture
Carl Pocratsky, P.E., Department of Energy
Presidents Winner
Barbara C. Morton, Department of Veterans Affairs
How are Federal Employees and Teams Recognized?

On a rolling basis agencies and executive councils recognize outstanding individuals and teams that exhibit the values and create success in any of the three key outcome areas: mission results, customer service, and accountable stewardship.

Each May, the Executive Office of the President presents exemplary Agency and Council Award recipients with the Gears of Government President’s Award. Agencies and Councils may also hold award ceremonies throughout the year.
How Can I Submit a Nomination?
Federal employees may contact their agency’s Awards Program Point of Contact to make a nomination recommendation for an Agency Award. To find out who the point of contact is at an agency, please click here.
Where Can I Learn More?
For general questions about the Awards, please email the Gears of Government Award Support Team.
Contact Gears of Government SupportResources
The Gears of Government Awards recognizes and honors outstanding individual and team contributions in support of the: