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Department of the Interior

2018-2019 Agency Priority Goals

Ensure Clear, Quantitative Criteria for Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Plans

Goal Leader: Margaret Everson, Principle Deputy Director, Fish and Wildlife Service

Goal Statement: Clarity for when a threatened or endangered species can be downlisted or delisted is important to ensuring that only the appropriate actions are taken to help the species without unnecessary impacts. By September 30, 2019, 100% of all Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plans will have quantitative criteria for what constitutes a recovered species.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Species Status Assessments (SSAs) for Listings with State Input

Goal Leader: Jim Kurth, Acting Director and Deputy Director for Operations, Fish and Wildlife Service

Goal Statement: All Fish and Wildlife Service decisions on species listings under the Endangered Species Act will be informed by state fish and wildlife agencies. By September 30, 2018, 100% of proposed species listings will be based on best available information that includes state input and/or data provided through participation in Species Status Assessments.

Agency’s implementation of this APG complete with target achieved by Sept. 30, 2018

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Improve Access to Leasing Public Lands for Oil, Gas, and Mineral Extraction

Goal Leader: Susan Combs, Assistant Secretary Policy, Management and Budget

Goal Statement: Providing access to these resources on public lands helps make our nation stronger by decreasing dependency on other nations, creating jobs, and helping drive economic growth. By September 30, 2019, the Bureau of Land Management will process 80% of Expressions of Interest (EOI) to lease public lands for oil, gas, or mineral extraction within 180 days.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Improve Condition of Priority Assets Necessary for Mission Delivery Across the Department of the Interior

Goal Leader: Susan Combs, Acting Assistant Secretary; Policy, Management and Budget

Goal Statement: Improve the condition of the Department of the Interior's priority real property assets to the desired state suitable for public safety, stewardship, and access to our nation's treasures and resources. By September 30, 2019, the Department of the Interior will improve the condition of its priority real property assets such that 82% are in the desired state of acceptable condition.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Improve Processing of Drilling Applications

Goal Leader: Brian Steed, Acting Director, Bureau of Land Management

Goal Statement: Extracting oil and gas resources on public lands improves our energy security, drives economic growth, and provides revenues collected on behalf of the American public. By September 30, 2019, the Bureau of Land Management will eliminate its backlog of fluid mineral Applications for Permits to Drill (APDs) that have been pending for 3 years or more.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Water Conservation and Supply Enhancement

Goal Leader: Brenda Burman, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation

Goal Statement: Increase the available water supply in the Western States through conservation-related programs to help provide a more sustainable and secure water supply, reducing the impact of drought for the benefit of the public and the economy. By September 30, 2019, the Bureau of Reclamation will facilitate water conservation capacity of 53,800 acre-feet to help reduce the impact of drought.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates