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Department of Labor

2018-2019 Agency Priority Goals

Administration: Implement an Enterprise-Wide Shared Services Model

Goal Leader: Bryan Slater, Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

Goal Statement: By September 30, 2019, begin implementation of an enterprise-wide shared services model for DOL core administrative functions.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Combat the Opioid Epidemic

Goal Leader: Julia Hearthway, Director, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs

Goal Statement: By September 30, 2019, reduce the percentage of initial opioid prescriptions and duration of new opioid prescriptions for federal employees with work-related injuries by 30 percent from the FY 2016 baseline.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Job Creation: Apprenticeship Expansion

Goal Leader: John Pallasch, Assistant Secretary

Goal Statement: Enroll 1 million new apprentices (including registered programs, industry-recognized apprenticeships, and other non-registered programs) over the next five years to enable more Americans to obtain jobs that pay a family-sustaining wage through high quality earn-and-learn opportunities. By September 30, 2019, DOL will enroll 280,000 new apprentices as part of the agency’s broader efforts to promote and expand apprenticeship.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Worker Safety: Reduce Miner Injuries

Goal Leaders: David Zatezalo, Assistant Secretary, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), Tim Watkins, Acting Administrator, Coal Safety and Health, and Sheila McConnell, Director, Standards, Regulations and Variances

Goal Statement: By September 30, 2019, reduce the reportable injury rate associated with powered haulage equipment, the primary cause of miners’ injuries, by 10 percent per year based on a rolling 5-year average per 200,000 hours worked.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Worker Safety: Reduce Trenching and Excavation Hazards

Goal Leader: Loren Sweatt, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health

Goal Statement: By September 30, 2019, increase trenching and excavation hazards abated by 10% compared to FY2017 through inspections and compliance assistance at workplaces covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates