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Small Business Administration

Women-Owned Small Business Dashboard


In honor of National Women’s Small Business Month, we’ve partnered with SBA’s Office of Government Contracting and Business Development and Office of Program Performance, Analysis, and Evaluation to highlight the Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs) data dashboard! According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs, the U.S. has nearly 1.1 million women-owned businesses with 99.9% of them categorized as small businesses. In FY19, more than $25 billion was awarded to WOSBs, as the Federal Government met the goal of awarding five percent of all federal contracting dollars to women-owned small businesses each year.

This dashboard features five years of data which can be broken down into visuals by agency, state, and fiscal year. The location data is a unique feature – specifically, the congressional district-level information, as no other visualization shows this level of information. Users can also see investment in their industry by looking at spend by category in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) table.

Image of WOSB Dashboard, showing Total Spend in contracting dollars and 3.39% of Total Spend towards WOSBs in FY 2020. Note that final fiscal year-end data is not finalized until Q3 of the following fiscal year.

Image of WOSB Dashboard, showing (1) Obligated Amount by NAICS Code and (2) Dollars Obligated by Month and Cumulative % of Spend for All Agencies.

To view the WOSB dashboard, visit Under Agency Data, click on Small Business Administration and then Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracts.

Stay tuned! SBA plans to update this dashboard monthly as new data is collected. Interested in learning more about how the SBA supports women entrepreneurs to start, grow, and expand their businesses? Check out SBA’s Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program and SBA’s Spotlight on Women-Owned Employer Businesses.