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Rural Wireless Broadband for Public Safety

Goal Leaders:

Parkinson Headshot Edward Parkinson, Executive Director
Casias Headshot
Lisa Casias, Deputy Executive Director
Placeholder Headshot Jeff Bratcher, Chief Technology and Operations Officer

Goal Statement: The Department of Commerce will increase the public’s safety by providing first responders with access to a nationwide wireless broadband network. By September 30, 2020, the Department’s FirstNet Solution will allow the public safety community to serve an additional 8.9 million people within the rural population by providing coverage reaching 55% of the entire rural population. By September 30, 2021, the Department will ensure the FirstNet Solution will provide coverage reaching 60% of the entire rural population. As of September 2019, the FirstNet Solution allows the public safety community to serve ~45% of the rural population, or ~23 million of the ~51 million people who constitute the Nation’s rural population.

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