We’re transforming the way government serves the public
From small businesses seeking loans, to families receiving disaster support, to someone passing through an airport security line - every interaction between the Federal government and the public is an opportunity to demonstrate the government understands and is meeting their needs. For an individual, this can mean less time in a government office, on the phone with a help desk, or more digestible information to support a decision. Collectively, throughout a lifetime of interacting with different agencies, these moments are powerful opportunities to show citizens their government works. Improving the public’s trust in government happens transaction by transaction, and we must act to improve every one that we can.
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We are currently unable to publish scores across each of the government-wide experience measures (including trust, satisfaction, and drivers such as ease, equity, and employee interaction) due to data being collected under Paperwork Reduction Act clearances that do not allow for public disclosure.
Responses by agency
Responses by channel
What are we learning from customer feedback?

Over 1.1 million survey responses per quarter — The public wants to give feedback
20 of 25 High-Impact Service Providers are reporting some feedback data. Most of the responses we've analyzed come from HISPs focused on healthcare: CMS and VHA. Six agencies provided feedback after the completion of the service, twelve provided data from a contact center, and eleven provided data collected from a website.

Overall trust and satisfaction are slightly above average — We don't yet have a full picture of customer journeys
While feedback data shows that interactions generally increase confidence or trust in government, there is still room to improve, and most feedback surveys are NOT administered at the completion of a service or objective. We must better instrument and collect feedback at various points along a journey, as well as at the completion of one.

Highest scores from responses relating to 'employee' interaction — People matter in providing a good service experience
Regression analysis suggests that trust and satisfaction also correlate strongly with the effectiveness, ease, and efficiency of the interaction or interface.
High Impact Service Providers (HISP)
We’re working with 25 of the nation’s highest-impact services (identified due to the scale and impact of their public-facing services) to transform the way we deliver, setting and raising the standard of experience across government.
A-11 Section 280 establishes a baseline for managing customer experience in the public sector. High Impact Service Providers (HISPs) are required to annually conduct a capacity assessment to track their maturity and identify areas for growth, collect feedback in line with government-wide measures, and outline specific actions that are directly aimed at improving critical moments in their customers’ journeys. Importantly, we are sharing this publicly to increase the transparency and accountability of our commitments.
Click below to view plans and progress for the following Federal services.
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is equitably serving all farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners through the delivery of effective, efficient agricultural programs for all Americans. With 51 state offices and over 2,000 county offices, including offices in U.S. territories, FSA implements farm programs and farm loans to farmers and ranchers across the country. FSA has helps family ranchers with livestock forage losses and provides half of the Nation’s dairies with margin protection. We have delivered billions in credit to new and longstanding family operations and enrolled many millions of acres in the Conservation Reserve Program.
CX Plans and Progress
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) works with farmers, ranchers and forest landowners across the country to help them boost agricultural productivity and protect our natural resources through conservation. We are in numerous communities across North America, working hand-in-hand with landowners and our partners to improve our natural resources. Our passion is derived from stewardship of the land—benefits we all enjoy, such as cleaner air and water, improved soil and abundant wildlife habitat.
CX Plans and Progress
The mission of the United States Patent and Trademark Office is to ensure that the intellectual property system contributes to a strong global economy, encourages investment in innovation, and fosters entrepreneurial spirit. The primary services provided by USPTO are processing patent and trademark applications and disseminating patent and trademark information. Through the issuance of patents, the USPTO encourages technological advancement by providing incentives to invent, invest in, and disclose new technology worldwide.
CX Plans and Progress
The mission of the United States Patent and Trademark Office is to ensure that the intellectual property system contributes to a strong global economy, encourages investment in innovation, and fosters entrepreneurial spirit. The primary services provided by USPTO are processing patent and trademark applications and disseminating patent and trademark information. Through the issuance of patents, the USPTO encourages technological advancement by providing incentives to invent, invest in, and disclose new technology worldwide.
CX Plans and Progress
Federal Student Aid (FSA) has one of the largest consumer loan portfolios in the country (over $1.3 trillion). It is critical that we provide a customer experience that is on par with world-class financial services firms and establish our organization as one of the most trusted brands in the student aid industry. The Next Generation Financial Services Environment (Next Gen FSA) will enable FSA to realize this vision by modernizing the way we connect with our customers, while streamlining our student aid systems and processes.
CX Plans and Progress
The Health Insurance Exchanges (Marketplace) help uninsured people find health coverage. By filling out an application, consumers find out if they qualify for private insurance plans, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). If they qualify for a private plan, they may qualify for savings based on their household size and income. If a consumer doesn’t qualify for savings, he/she can still buy coverage. Plans cover essential health benefits, pre-existing conditions, and preventive care. Medicaid and CHIP cover families with limited income, disabilities, and other circumstances. At the Call Center and on Healthcare.gov, CMS helps consumers find the coverage that best meets their needs.
CX Plans and Progress
Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older, people under 65 with certain disabilities and people of any age with End-Stage Renal Disease. The different parts of Medicare help cover specific services. Part A covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care. Part B covers certain doctors’ services, outpatient care, medical supplies and preventive services. Part D adds prescription drug coverage to Original Medicare and some Medicare health plans. When you first enroll in Medicare and during certain times of the year, you can choose how you get your Medicare coverage either through Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) or Medicare Advantage (Part C). At 1-800-Medicare and on Medicare.gov, CMS helps beneficiaries find the coverage that best meets their needs, assists them in understanding that coverage, finds quality health care providers and provides guidance with health insurance payment and usage.
CX Plans and Progress
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is responsible for protecting the Nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. TSA is most visible through its aviation security efforts, but is also responsible for the security of other modes of transportation, including highways and motor carriers, mass transit, freight rail, oil and natural gas pipelines, and maritime. TSA screens more than 750 million passengers a year at over 400 airports nationwide. TSA practices risk-based security, which is based on the understanding that the vast majority of people traveling pose little to no threat to aviation.
CX Plans and Progress
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is one of the world's largest law enforcement organizations and is charged with keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. while facilitating lawful international travel and trade. On a typical day, CBP welcomes nearly a million visitors, screens cargo containers, arrests individuals, and seizes tons of illicit drugs. CBP’s Traveler Communications Center was established in October of 2017 to serve as a 24/7 resource for traveler compliance and a central place to address common questions for those traveling to the United States using four Admissibility and Passenger Programs (serving both citizens and non-citizens): Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS), I-94 Arrival and Depature Record, and the Trusted Traveler Program (TTP).
CX Plans and Progress
U.S. Citizenship and Information Services (USCIS) is the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States. We are 19,000 government employees and contractors working at offices across the world. Examples of USCIS services include adjudicating requests for immigration benefits such as citizenship and permanent residency, processing applications for asylum and refugee status, and ensuring employment eligibility of new hires across the United States.
The USCIS Contact Center is the centralized resource for providing information services to the public. The Contact Center helps the public using multiple channels to provide accurate, timely and consistent information about applications and benefits. We employ a multi-tiered, integrated framework to address inquiries ranging from simple case status questions to those who have experienced significant issues or long delays.CX Plans and Progress
The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) mission is to help people before, during and after disasters. FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror. The agency helps eligible individuals and households, state, local and tribal governments, and certain private nonprofits cover disaster recovery and mitigation expenses through its three main grant programs: Individual Assistance, Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation. FEMA works closely with other federal partners, such as the U.S. Small Business Administration, which provides low-interest disaster loans to help homeowners, renters and businesses recover. Additionally, FEMA funds training of emergency response personnel throughout the United States and its territories as part of the agency's preparedness efforts.
CX Plans and Progress
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders throughout the United States and its territories. FHA insures mortgages on single-family homes, multifamily properties, residential care facilities, and hospitals. It is one of the largest insurers of mortgages in the world, insuring more than 46 million mortgages since its inception in 1934. FHA mortgage insurance provides lenders with protection against losses if a property owner defaults on their mortgage. The lenders bear less risk because FHA will pay a claim to the lender for the unpaid principal balance of a defaulted mortgage. HUD's Single Family programs include mortgage insurance on loans to purchase new or existing homes, condominiums, manufactured housing, houses needing rehabilitation, and for reverse equity mortgages to elderly homeowners.
CX Plans and Progress
Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA) was created to improve the accountability and management of Indian funds held in trust by the federal government. Currently, BTFA maintains approximately 3,000 accounts for 250 Tribal entities with assets exceeding $4.4 billion, and over 387,000 Individual Indian Monies (IIM) accounts with assets of approximately $597 million. Income is generated from the sale or rental of Indian-owned land and natural resources such as timber, and royalties from oil and natural gas exploration and production. Funds also are derived from interest earned on invested funds, as well as awards or settlements of tribal claims. The Trust Beneficiary Call Center (TBCC) plays a critical role in the delivery of trust fund management services to Indian trust beneficiaries. The TBCC was implemented in 2004, and for the first time ever, Indian trust beneficiaries were provided with an easy-to-access primary point of contact for making inquiries about their trust assets, (i.e., fractional owner interests, account balance and lease activity), checking the status of a requested service or requesting a disbursement from, or an update to an IIM account administered by BFTA. In addition, the TBCC serves as the primary point of contact for the Department’s Land Buy Back Program, where Landowners can request information about the program and receive assistance with updating IIM accounts and completing purchase offer packages.
CX Plans and Progress
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the oldest federal conservation agency, tracing its lineage back to 1871, and the only agency in the federal government whose primary responsibility is management of fish and wildlife for the American public. The Service manages millions of acres with field stations across all 50 states. The Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System plays an essential role in providing outdoor recreation opportunities to the American public and the associated economic benefits to local communities. Millions of visitors to National Wildlife Refuges have hunted, fished, observed or photographed wildlife, or participated in environmental education or interpretation on a refuge. These activities help National Wildlife Refuges serve as an economic engine for local communities, helping to support thousands of jobs and billions in visitor expenditures as well as providing vital funding for conservation.
CX Plans and Progress
With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance. The OSH Act covers most private sector employers and their workers, in addition to some public sector employers and workers in the 50 states and certain territories and jurisdictions under federal authority. Since OSHA’s first day on the job, the agency has delivered remarkable progress for our nation. Workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths have fallen dramatically. Together with our state partners, OSHA has tackled deadly safety hazards and health risks. We have established common sense standards and enforced the law against those who put workers at risk. Our standards, enforcement actions, compliance assistance and cooperative programs have saved thousands of lives and prevented countless injuries and illnesses.
CX Plans and Progress
The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) administers four major disability compensation programs which provide wage replacement benefits, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation and other benefits to certain workers or their dependents who experience work-related injury or occupational disease. These programs, the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation program, the Federal Employees' Compensation Program, the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Program, and the Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation Program, serve the specific employee groups who are covered under the relevant statutes and regulations by mitigating the financial burden resulting from workplace injury. In administering the programs, OWCP seeks to protect the interests of eligible workers, employers and the Federal Government by ensuring timely and accurate claims adjudication and provision of benefits, by responsibly administering the funds authorized for this purpose, and by restoring injured workers to gainful work when permitted by the effects of the injury.
CX Plans and Progress
Passport Services is a directorate within the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. The mission of Passport Services is to facilitate international travel and enhance national security by issuing secure travel documents to U.S. citizens and nationals while providing the highest level of customer service, professionalism, and integrity. It has the most interactions with U.S. citizens than any other bureau with the Department. In Fiscal Year 2018, Passport Services issued 21.1 million passport books and cards. There are currently 127 million valid U.S. passports and 42 percent of all U.S. citizens have a passport. U.S. citizens can apply for their passport at one of the 27 domestic passport agencies or centers or at one of the 7,600 passport acceptance facilities located throughout the U.S. Citizens can also renew their passport conveniently through the mail. The key services offered are information and assistance in applying for, renewing and reporting a lost or stolen passport; the processing of applications and issuance of passports; and 24/7 availability of duty officers to assist customers with life and death emergencies. Customers can receive information on how to apply, access passport application forms, locate a nearby passport acceptance facility and schedule an appointment online at a passport agency by visiting the Department's official website at travel.state.gov.
CX Plans and Progress
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a bureau of the Department of the Treasury and is one of the world's most efficient tax administrators. IRS provides America's taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforces the law with integrity and fairness to all. The IRS receives more than 100 million individual tax returns annually and issues millions of refunds. More than 90 percent of individual returns received are filed electronically. Using new screening criteria, the IRS has stopped billions in fraudulent refunds claimed by identity thieves.
CX Plans and Progress
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is America’s largest integrated health care system, serving 9 million enrolled Veterans. VHA aims to honor America’s Veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and well-being. VHA also emphasizes prevention and population health and contributes to the nation's well-being through education, research and service in National emergencies.
CX Plans and Progress
The Veterans Benefits Administration’s (VBA) mission is to serve as a leading advocate for Servicemembers, Veterans, their families and Survivors, delivering with excellence Veteran-centered and personalized benefits and services that honor their service, assist in their readjustment, enhance their lives, and engender their full trust. VBA strives to provide excellent customer service to ensure Veterans receive prompt and accurate answers to their questions and are always treated with kindness and respect.
CX Plans and Progress
USAJOBS connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world. As the Federal Government’s official employment site, USAJOBS provides resources to help the right people find the right jobs. As a part of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), USAJOBS helps recruit, retain, and honor a world-class government workforce for the American people. Over 500 Federal agencies and organizations have used USAJOBS to facilitate their hiring processes and match qualified applicants to job openings. The U.S. Federal Government relies on more than two million Americans and foreign nationals to work in the civil service. These citizens help the government fulfill its essential duties in service to the American people and USAJOBS is here to help them find ways to serve.
CX Plans and Progress
Retirement Services is responsible for the Government-wide administration of retirement benefits and services for Federal employees, retirees, and their families. These benefits and services offer employees the opportunity to plan for their retirement and to know that their retirement system is effectively managed. OPM Retirement services also administers the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS), serving 2.5 million Federal retirees and survivors who receive monthly annuity payments. We strive to provide timely and responsive services and information to retirees and their families, whenever needed.
CX Plans and Progress
The Office of Field Operations is the organizational unit of the Small Business Administration (SBA) that is primarily responsible for the direct execution of the Agency’s products and services for America’s small businesses, representing the critical link between the small businesses and the SBA policy makers.
CX Plans and Progress
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has provided financial protection for our nation's people for over 84 years. We deliver critical support during significant life events like birth, marriage, retirement, disability, or death. We pay benefits to over 70 million people annually. The public conducts over 160 million transactions using our online services, over 40 million people visit our local field offices, and over 30 million contact our National 800 Number each year. We appreciate the impact of Social Security's programs on the lives of nearly citizen at some point, and the importance of their experience with us. We are committed to continue improving our service - whether in-person, on the telephone, or online.
CX Plans and Progress
Recreation.gov provides a gateway to discover our Nation's hidden treasures and engage in timeless outdoor recreation and cultural activities. With roughly 3,700 facilities and activities and over 103,000 individual reservable sites across the country, Recreation.gov is confident that you'll find what you need to create lasting memories and bring home a story. There are millions of Recreation.Gov users visiting our federal lands and waterways, spending billions and supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs. Many of these jobs are located in rural communities and are associated with numerous outdoor industries and small businesses.
CX Plans and Progress
What does Customer Experience (CX) work look like in government?

Wilderness Permits on Recreation.gov
Bringing Olympic National Park Wilderness permits onto recreation.gov has saved more than 5,000 staff hours in less than one year and has shifted the customer experience from burdensome time waiting in line, on the phone, sending faxes or emails, and enables visitors to know immediately whether their reservations are secured.

The National School Lunch Program
The National School Lunch Program provides low-cost or free lunches to 30 million children living at or below the poverty level each school day. On the customer side, the application process was very challenging, leaving out children that needed access to healthy meals. On the Federal side, there was a potential of 1.8 billion dollars in improper payments going back to schools. A journey mapping process led to a redesigned application form.

Government typically approaches improvement and implementation from a bureaucratic, organizational-centered view. To better tackle barriers experienced by those leaving the military and entering the labor market, we built a journey map from the perspective of actual people living this moment – and showed how points at which multiple Federal agencies were involved were often also the most confusing to the user.
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