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Department of Energy

2018-2019 Agency Priority Goals

Launch Critical Materials Recycling Prize

Goal Leader: Alex Fitzsimmons, Chief of Staff, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy</p>

Goal Statement: The DOE will pursue a focused research program to reduce supply chain risks posed by the limited availability of critical minerals and materials. This program will pursue 1) improvements in domestic production, 2) reuse and recycling, and 3) research into substitutes for critical minerals.

Goal Action Plan & Progress Update:

pdftestDecember 2019

Strengthen Department of Energy (DOE) Cybersecurity

Goal Leader: Rocky Campione, Chief Information Officer, DOE

Goal Statement: Strengthen DOE enterprise-wide cybersecurity to protect critical IT infrastructure and ensure continuity of enterprise mission essential functions. By September 30, 2019, DOE will:

Goal Action Plan & Progress Update:

pdftestDecember 2019

Strengthen Cybersecurity Capabilities

Goal Leader: Karen S. Evans - Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) Assistant Secretary

Goal Statement: Strengthen energy sector cybersecurity capabilities. By September 30, 2019, DOE will complete the operational technology data analysis from at least three utilities and develop a recommendation for deployment of the operational technology cyber security approach to utility operators nation-wide.

Goal Action Plan & Progress Update:

pdftestDecember 2019

Achieve Exascale Computing

Goal Leader: Steve Binkley, Deputy Director for Science Programs, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy

Goal Statement: By September 30, 2018, DOE will complete the design of the first of two exascale machines. By September 30, 2019, DOE will complete design of the second of two exascale machines.

Goal Action Plan & Progress Update:

pdftestDecember 2019.

Maintain and Modernize the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Stockpile

Goal Leader: Dr. Charles Verdon, NNSA, Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs

Goal Statement: Maintain and modernize the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile and dismantle excess nuclear weapons to meet the national security requirements, as assigned by the President, through the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR). DOE will:

Goal Action Plan & Progress Update:

pdftestDecember 2019.

Stand up a New Public-Private Partnership Pilot Program at DOE for National Laboratory Innovation

Goal Leader: Conner Prochaska, Director, Office of Technology Transitions

Goal Statement: Stand up a new public-private partnership pilot program at DOE for national laboratory innovation. DOE will:

Goal Action Plan & Progress Update:

pdftestDecember 2019.

Legacy Clean-up of Key High Risk Excess Facilities

Goal Leader: Todd Shrader, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Environmental Management

Goal Statement: Complete the legacy clean-up, deactivation, and decommissioning of key EM facilities and other high risk excess facilities for the Department. To meet this goal, DOE will:

Goal Action Plan & Progress Update:

pdftestDecember 2019.