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Department of Justice  DOJ seal

Combat the Opioid Crisis

Placeholder Headshot Goal Leader: Amanda Liskamm, Director, Opioid Enforcement and Prevention Efforts, Associate Deputy Attorney General, Office of the Deputy Attorney General

Goal Statement: The opioid epidemic affects a broad cross-section of the United States population without regard for age, gender, race, ethnicity, or economic status. Communities across the United States, including those in rural, suburban, and urban jurisdictions, have been hit by the opioid epidemic. By September 30, 2021, the Department of Justice will reduce illicit opioid overdoses by: increasing the percentage of opioid-related Priority Target Organizations (PTOs) disrupted and dismantled by 3% as compared to the FY 2019 baseline (35.7%); increasing the percentage of opioid-related PTO investigations initiated by 3% as compared to the FY 2019 baseline (39.2%); increasing the number of diversion criminal cases initiated by 3% as compared to the FY 2019 baseline (1,725); and increasing the number of training, outreach and public education events completed by 34% as compared to the FY 2019 baseline (3,125).

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