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Department of Energy  energy seal

High Performance Computing (Exascale/Artificial Intelligence)

Goal Leaders:

Placeholder Headshot Chris Fall, Director, Office of Science
Binkley Headshot Steve Binkley, Principal Deputy Director, Office of Science

Goal Statement: To meet Administration priorities and sustain U.S. preeminence in the strategic area of high performance computing (HPC), which underpins national and economic security, develop and deliver the next generation of integrated HPC capability by engaging in research and development to create a capable exascale computing ecosystem that integrates hardware and software capability delivering at least 100 times the performance of current 10 petaflop (1015 floating point operations per second) systems across a range of applications representing government needs and societal priorities such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. By September 30, 2021, begin deployment (receiving and installing hardware) of at least one Exascale Computing system.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates