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New Updates Highlight Movement on Cross-Agency and Agency Priority Goals


As part of advancing the President’s Management Agenda, Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goal teams released the latest quarterly progress on these high-priority federal initiatives. Agencies also released progress updates on their own Agency Priority Goals. The CAP Goal updates showcase what teams have achieved to date, while the APG updates reflect progress through June 2018. All of the progress updates highlight upcoming milestones as teams continue to use these goals to advance mission, service, and stewardship on behalf of the American people.

For more information about why goal teams provide quarterly updates, please visit the Performance Framework section, which includes an explanation of CAP Goals and APGs.

A Few Highlights from the CAP Goal and APG Progress Updates

CAP Goal: Modernize Infrastructure Permitting

CAP goal iconThe Permitting Council’s work has already saved $1 billion by avoiding permitting process delays. The team is focused on ensuring efficiency in the permitting process, breaking down silos through enhanced coordination, and providing oversight and issue resolution.

CAP Goal: Category Management - Leveraging Common Contracts and Best Practices to Drive Savings and Efficiencies

CAP goal iconThe “Next Generation Package Delivery” solution saw a cost avoidance of $34.8M since it became available in October 2017 by helping agencies manage demand and timing of their shipments. This is just one example of how streamlining the way government buys goods and services is saving money and enabling the government to be stewards of taxpayer dollars.

CAP Goal: Improve Transfer of Federally-Funded Technologies from Lab-to-Market

CAP goal iconThe Army Research Laboratory opened its newest Open Campus hub in April 2018 at the George J. Kostas Research institute for Homeland Security at Northeastern University. This partnership will allow Army scientists to work with top research universities to find ways to make our warfighters safer and stronger. In addition to its main laboratories in Maryland, the Army Research Laboratory also recently established regional presences in California, Texas, and Illinois.

APG: Department of Labor Job Creation: Apprenticeship Expansion

CAP goal iconDOL is working toward enrolling 1 million new apprentices to enable more Americans to obtain jobs that pay a family-sustaining wage through high quality earn-and-learn opportunities. From January 2017 through the third quarter of 2018, the DOL apprenticeship system added a total of 364,322 new apprentices based on preliminary results. On May 10, 2018, the Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion issued a Final Report to the President of the United States detailing a number of critical recommendations to modernize apprenticeship.

APG: Department of Veterans Affairs Veteran Suicide Prevention

CAP goal iconVeterans Health Administration (VHA) is steadily increasing the use of interventions for Veterans at-risk for suicide through the use of predictive modeling and enhanced engagement strategies. As of June 30, 2018, 68% of Veterans targeted through predictive modeling algorithms within the VHA system received core recommended interventions—exceeding targets on the way to reaching a 90% goal by September 30, 2019.

How to Find the Action Plans & Progress Reports

To view Agency Priority Goal (APG) updates:

  1. Click on “Agencies” on the menu at the top of the page
  2. Click on the name of the Agency that you would like to view
  3. Select the title of the APG from the menu on the left side of the page
  4. Find the Q3 Action Plan under “Action Plans and Progress Updates”

To view Cross Agency Priority (CAP) Goal updates:

  1. Click here to access a list of all CAP Goals
  2. Select the goal you would like to view
  3. Find the most recent Action Plans under “Action Plans and Progress Updates”