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Performance Framework

Agency Priority Goals

Agency Priority Goals (APGs) are a performance accountability structure of the GPRA Modernization Act that provides agencies a mechanism to focus leadership priorities, set outcomes, and measure results, bringing focus to mission areas where agencies need to drive significant progress and change. APG statements are outcome-oriented, ambitious, and measurable with specific targets set that reflect a near-term result or achievement agency leadership wants to accomplish within approximately 24 months. In some instances, agencies are also utilizing the APG structure to drive progress and monitor implementation of agency management reforms and priorities, a modification of the traditional APG statement format.

Agency leaders from major Federal agencies select approximately four to five goals every two years, identify responsible officials for goal achievement, and review performance on a quarterly basis to identify barriers to progress and make changes to implementation strategies to achieve goal outcomes. APGs to be achieved throughout the course of Fiscal Years 2020-2021 have been established by major Federal agencies concurrent with the release of the President's FY 2021 Budget.

More information on the Agency Priority Goals established by major Federal agencies can be found by navigating to each agency’s homepage through the agency dropdown in the menu bar below or at the top of the page.

Click below to View Agency Priority Goals